Petroglyph: First Communication Method

          Petroglyph is one if not the oldest forms of human communication and writing that has currently been discovered. What is petroglyph? Well for starters, petroglyph is the carving or painting of images and symbols that represent some form of communication, storytelling, event recording, or historic record of some sort of ancient civilization. Usually petroglyph concepts are found in caves, on ancient buildings, tools, utensils, or possibly pottery. The oldest recording of petroglyph findings dates back to 3500B.C. These petroglyph findings were located in Egypt from the ancient Egyptians. Other areas across the globe that are known to have large amounts of petroglyph findings are located in North, South, and Central America, mainly from native Americans; such as the Mayans, Incas, Cherokee, and other various tribes that were spread-out among the two continents. There are technically two types of petroglyph.

            The first type is the ancient Egyptians and their hieroglyphics. This is known as possibly the oldest petroglyph findings in the world. It is believed that the ancient Egyptians were the first people to use if not event petroglyph. They were a highly advanced people for the given time and lack of technology. The Egyptian hieroglyphics is also credited with being an advanced language that includes a written alphabet consisting of particular symbols to represent each language; and a variety of symbols to form sentences, phrases, and a guide for verbal communication. It is also through the Egyptian hieroglyphics that we can learn their history; as they recorded a great deal of their ancient life, traditions, beliefs, and great events through their hieroglyphics. It was in 1799, when Europeans discovered an interesting stone that had a mixture of ancient Greek written on, but it also had ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics on it. The discoverers soon realized that the ancient Greek writing was translating the Egyptian hieroglyphics. Through this amazing discovery, scientists, archaeologists, and exploders were able to understand and interpret the ancient Egyptian language and discovery a great deal of the past life of the Egyptians along with their use of the first human communication, petroglyph.

            The second type of petroglyph would be through the native Americans and their use of petroglyph. Though they do not seem as advanced as the ancient Egyptians, many if not all native American tribes used some sort of petroglyph. These practices usually consisted of hand paintings and carvings in caves and on pottery. Some native American petroglyph findings have been discovered in burial mounds, religious shrines, and even on sides of buildings. As mentioned before, there is currently no evidence that the native Americans created a complex language system using petroglyph like the Egyptians, but we have found evidence of some native Americans to use pictures to explain and show great celebrations, feasts, seasons, great events, and usually large hunts. It is very impressive to know and understand how ancient people once communicated. It is possible that perhaps, one day, that some new discoveries could lead us to believe that the ancient native Americans could have had a complex language system; as it is evident that there were many advanced tribes that once existed in the Americas. The oldest accounts of coming in contact with these native Americans dates back to when the first Europeans arrived. It is incredible to realize where civilization and human communication began and where it currently is now. One can only wonder what the future could hold.



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